Richard Boatwright im super proud of both my colts! I've made great progress with them both over the last week. Lots of handling, loading and unloading in the trailer, walking over my ground poles and up over my bridge. Lunging and getting them to move their feet, hips and shoulders. I feel like I'm cheating because they are making it very easy on me. My little dunskin is excelling a tad faster than the roan. But that's ok. I just have to change my approach a little for him. I'm learning a ton as well. Got my dunskin tied today and he did great. First time and also lots of brushing and lifting up feet . Farrier is coming next week I know they are definitely in need of a trim so I'm trying to prepare them for him to make this as smooth as possible. I want it to be a good experience... any tips? I lift up all 4 feet pretty easy and hold till I feel them relax then I release the foot. Having a little trouble with the back feet they want to jerk away alot but I'm persistent and patient.
Replied on Is this the right place to ask a ques...
Jan 29 at 09:18 PM