Lucas Truax

Feb 15 at 09:59 PM

Richard Boatwright


Feb 11 at 10:23 AM

Pretty neat that she was able to ride and shoot without having to hang on the horse. That is one aspect of Mr. Boatwright's approach that changed the way I ride as well. Sounds like you have done a great job setting the horse up for success!

Feb 11 at 10:17 AM

Awesome! I'm looking forward to this one too.

Feb 06 at 06:42 PM

Wow those are huge!

Feb 06 at 05:13 PM

Richard Boatwright she’s coming along with it:

Feb 03 at 04:17 PM

Way to go man! It's exciting to get over that first ride hump and it sounds like you had him well prepared for it. Excited to see the progress you make with this guy.

Jan 29 at 07:22 AM

Richard Boatwright

Jan 25 at 05:49 PM

Those heated jackets are a great idea


Jan 25 at 12:26 PM

Great idea on the chinks, I often forget about this.


Jan 25 at 12:25 PM

From a tools perspective Ariats insulated jeans, wool sweaters and wool socks.   When in the Northeast we rode a lot in cold weather down to zero. As long as the wind wasn’t really bad, we stayed pretty consistent.

 I think that the key thing for me was always planning (writing down the time I was going to ride) and then just heading for the barn. Once you have decided you’re riding and leave the warm cozy house the rest kinda took care of itself for me.

Two related questions I have:

Has anyone tried the insulated cowboy/riding boots?

We always tried not to get a horse sweating when it was super cold. Is there a rule for that (e.g. light blanket right after riding)?