Stesha Reukauf

Feb 20 at 08:14 PM

Hi Richard! I really take my time as this is the first colts I’ve started. She’s coming two-year-old filly. And she’s progressing really well, but I’m still trying to figure her out. She would rather stand there and face up than travel in a circle and do any work. I use the flag to encourage her but she eventually gets pissed, ears back, kicks toward the flag and runs off away from me. 

im afraid im going to create a horse that thinks she can get out of work if she throws a fit, and even worse, gets dangerous if I don’t change my approach.  

I’m being very light, conscious of the release and keep my emotions in really good check. But do I get after her when she kicks towards the flag? Or is that’s just colt stuff and be patient 

Commented on Day 5

Feb 08 at 03:25 PM

Curious to know, I have a similar disposition filly however her go-to response is to “fight” when she meets resistance. Which makes sense because she’s at the bottom of pecking order and has to defend herself in the herd. She doesn’t like to move out and travel. When I ask her to trot in round pen she gets frustrated from the pressure and just wants to turn and face. Is that an issue?