Lynn Morrison

Feb 14 at 12:21 PM

Stephen Gowling Might want to give us a few more days on it before you commit. Today his pooh was more loose than normal. We are not real scientific here so I have a few guesses about the change. 1) The medicine itself might be loosening him up. 2) It was windy and that stuff is powder and his feed tub is outside and some of it just blew away so he might of not got his full amount yesterday. 3) Being a windy day does add stress to him and perhaps he didn't get enough in his guts to keep them balanced. 

I did start with pinches. I didn't start like the package says because I am very leary of big changes in horse diets.


Feb 14 at 08:04 AM

😅 Yes! He can be Marshall (who everyone loves), Peter Parker (spidey senses), Lightfoot, Sir Squirts-a-lot, Nutsy, and Mr. Dunit (his cranky self). I go out in the morning and ask, 'So, who we dealing with today Marsh?' His nicker usually gives him away. lol



Feb 14 at 04:24 AM

Really enjoyed the rollback videos! I will have to watch those 8-10 more times to sink all the information into my head! I have a couple questions:

1) Did you ever use the fence to help teach or clean up the rollback? I know if you are too close to the fence when you try it you can unbalance your horse and/or lose forward motion. The steps I learned were in the same order: stop, ask direction, open leg, switch pockets. Just wondering your about thoughts and experience. 

2) What point in Caddy's (sp) riding training did you think she was ready? What was she doing well that it was time to take it to the next level?


Feb 13 at 06:56 PM

Just a $20 feed supplement called Daily Gold that I bought at Tractor Supply. I thought it was just clay but doing more research there is other stuff in it. Was interesting to see that we had a big weather shift with wind that usually sets him off to be scared, but instead he was a little saucy instead. He didn't think we should clean his feet this evening, but we discussed it and he decided it would be a good idea to just get his feet cleaned. lol 


Feb 12 at 08:19 AM

This is a youtube of USDA talking about it.


Feb 12 at 04:56 AM

Barely. I knew a little about the Walking horse situation. As with any law, each administration 'interprets' the law and funds/defunds the law. Interested to hear what others know. As a homestead type farmer USDA can come off as Gestapo-type agency. Trump has involved Joel Salatin who wrote 'Everything I Want to do is Illegal'. So perhaps if the horse populace gets proactive we can get somethings deregulated. ??


Feb 11 at 07:41 PM

Developing ... I bought an ulcer medicine from TSC just to see if it helped my horse. I started slowly (pinches). He has had 3 days of the full maintenance dose and .. I caught him outside on his own 2 times today!! I can't say it is a win because Marshall does have multiple personality disorder, but this is the first time since probably September that he was outside on his own. Hope I found a building block for us!!!

Just in case anyone else on here is wishing that their horse acted like a 'normal horse'. Me and my guy have been struggling with his anxiety and fear. He has free choice to go out or stay in his 20x30 shed and he has not chosen to go out on his own for a while. I will try to update to let you guys know if this change is permanent.


Feb 07 at 05:50 AM

I would like to watch more Caddy(sp?) videos, please. I'll probably watch this video 4-5 more times just to watch you deal with the energy, then I'll watch it 3-4 more times to understand what you said about posting. lol 

Feb 04 at 01:15 PM

Stephen Gowling Sure sounds like you're making progress! I am using 'the code' to try to get my horse's attention when he gets scared.

He is very nervous and afraid of outside. He can hear the color blue and see grasshoppers blink, let alone the fact that 'The Terrible Nothing' lives just outside of his pen. lol

We do have our good times though. If I can get the video to work, this is him 'smiling'. I don't know for real what he is doing but it makes me laugh.


Feb 04 at 10:21 AM

Stephen Gowling Not much experience with mares. This is my 2nd horse after a 30 yr. rest period of raising kids. But I get the puzzling about how to handle situations. My horse pins his ears sometimes when I ask for something and my inexperience is undecided ... do I wait it out or address that I noticed he was cussing at me lol. But my guy is 6 and not a baby. So I'm thinking it needs addressed but how harsh because he also suffers from multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia :/ But taking advice from me is taking advice from someone has no idea what I'm talking about! But what I am trying is to be the cranky lead mare. If she would flick a tail, then I flick an arm or a flag. But I do try to match the energy of the horse. Like if the horse's response was swift and hard, my answer would be also. If it was half-hearted, then so was my answer. But like I said I am here because I have no idea what I am doing. I enjoy the updates :)
