Lynn Morrison


Mar 11 at 07:09 PM

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Mamaw and Marshall finally got outside. Starting off with a walk about. 

Mar 10 at 05:32 AM

November 9, Paleolithic Era

Mar 05 at 10:56 AM


In Ohio it has been a high of 50 one day and high of 22 the next, but that's the buckeye state lol. The grandkids and I are looking out the window to see who can find Robin Redbreast first. 😀

Feb 28 at 03:13 PM

-10! You must be young or young at heart! 

Is the horse Blue Valentine bred? I'm guessing from the name.

Feb 24 at 06:21 PM

Golly, so glad to hear you are doing ok!!



Feb 22 at 09:23 AM

Sorry about commandeering the community, but I have so many questions and no idea what I am doing. My question is about the colt starting series. With the neck rope and the snaffle: sometimes you run it through the curb strap and sometimes through the bit. Could you explain what you are looking for in each method, when and why you would use these methods, and when the horse has the concept well enough to move on? I kinda get when the rope is through the bit that we are looking for give and softness to that side, but all I can figure about the strap is that it is a first step to feel and give to the bit. Would like to know what you are thinking and looking for. 

Please and thank you. 😀


Feb 22 at 09:10 AM

His temperament is more relaxed and able to have a conversation with him. More like a real horse. lol Every time I get a couple good weeks of working with him, then something weird will happen to set us back 3 weeks. This time a deer got its hind leg caught in the fence. 60 miles of fence around here and it had to get caught in Marshall's field. So we had a 3M (Major Marshall Meltdown). But yesterday was different. Some of the meltdown exercises we have been working on he actually could think and remember. We got through that and then in the evening (instead of dealing with it for the next 3 days) he was calm and in his right mind and back to himself. That was a pleasant surprise. Hope this information helps with your decision. 😀

Feb 22 at 09:07 AM

@Stephen Gowling

I just wanted to touch base back with you. I have a new system where I take a handful of his feed, then mix in either  the morning or evening portion of the supplement with a bit of water then add it to the rest of the feed. This has worked well for us not to lose any of the dose. His pooh has improved. It used to be mostly mulched grass looking with a few balls of pooh. After more than a week on the daily maintenance dose, only a small portion (like 10%) is mulched. (Maybe we could start a pooh analysis post 😂)


Feb 16 at 02:27 PM

Yes I think I get it. Thank you. I didn't get to ES20 snaffle series still working my my through ES20 colt. You have helped me with paying closer attention to the horse's eye instead of just where their feet go. 


Feb 14 at 12:30 PM

Stephen Gowling I KNEW IT!! I have been trying to tell my family and friends that my ridiculous horse is affected by the barometer! They told me I was crazy and I told them I know that but it doesn't change the facts! 😂