Amy Busch

West Sacramento, CA, United States

Mar 01 at 09:49 AM

Richard Boatwright thank you!

Feb 28 at 11:25 AM

Richard Boatwright what if they're already dull? My 7 year old QH mare often does not want to move out, either on the ground or under saddle. I've been watching your videos and working on the cluck, and doing your groundwork. We've just started riding this week and it's going so well. Thank you! 


Jan 29 at 10:53 AM

Richard Boatwright, thank you! I actually do start with turning her loose in the roundpen and working on the code each day right now, and knocking the fresh off. I watched the first few colt starting videos with Magnolia and that was really helpful. Last night I really started to get what you mean by send them out, let them "run into it," and draw them back to you. I could see my mare making progress. We're on the right track. I need to stay where I'm at and stick with it until she has the softness to move on. 


Jan 29 at 10:49 AM

Thank you Lucas Truax!


Jan 29 at 10:48 AM

Richard Boatwright cool!

Jan 28 at 12:57 PM

Katherine Cosper in the videos, Richard Boatwright says that they're a 1/2" double braided poly. It's a rope between 12 and 20 feet long with no hardware. I'm looking at ordering a 1/2" by 20' marine grade double braided nylon rope from amazon. Maybe Richard Boatwright has some insight about particular ropes and where to get them? 



Jan 27 at 01:52 PM

Richard Boatwright I'd like to ask where in your videos you think I should start with my horse? She's a seven year old cow-bred quarter horse mare. The colt starter I sent her to when she was two did not do a good job with her. She backed in a curve to the right or not at all when she came home. I spent years riding her terribly wrong; kicking, spurring, pulling, jerking, taking everything she didn't do personally and getting angry with her. She has holes in her foundation and is super bracy. The best thing I ever did was regulate my nervous system and learn how to stay calm and not take my horse personally. It's been a huge game changer for us. Now I have to learn how to undo the damage I've done. I started by watching your 10 Commandments videos and applying what I saw when riding and things started to get better. But I thought I should start with the colt starting videos to ensure she didn't have any holes. Day 1 went well. Day 2 not so much. Any time I ask her to go around me on a lead line (or with a neck rope), she drops her inside shoulder towards me and sticks her nose to the outside. In the Naches Day 1 video, you say that it's a great exercise for a bracy horse, but I'm not getting her to soften at all. Am I in the right place, and do I just need to slow down and focus on this issue before moving on with the colt starting videos? 


Jan 26 at 11:12 AM

Richard Boatwright thank you. I was using my 14’ leadrope and it felt a bit short.



Jan 25 at 06:26 PM

Richard Boatwright how long is your lead rope/neck rope? 


Commented on #6 Be Natural

Jan 21 at 11:50 AM

I just watched How To Get A Horse Soft... It sure helps me! When you talk about getting their mind first, I know I'm in the right place. My mare is bracy and sounds a lot like Matt's. This video helped me understand the problem and the solution better. Thanks Richard!