Where do you recommend to start after your horse has had a few weeks off? Horse has been turned out but had to take some time off. Just wondering where you’d approach a horse in this program if you’re about 2 weeks in, then they’ve had to take some time off. Really love your program!
Mckenna Merrill
Commented on Epic Success in 20 Days with Neches Day 7
Commented on Epic Success in 20 Days with Neches Day 4
Commented on Day 1 Epic Success in 20 Days with Neches
Commented on Epic Success In 20 Days Snaffle Bit Basics with Neches
Feb 04 at 04:09 PM
Any recommendations on a horse that is very sensitive in the mouth? Someone was not kind to her and heavy handed so if you take a feel even in a loose ring snaffle she gets very offended. I’ve tried the bosal and she’s a little less offended but still needs work. She’s an older horse but back burner typeÂ