Danae Fryman


Jul 18 at 08:34 AM

Hey Richard Boatwright! I have a 3 year old mare who is having trouble with trailering. She loads fine and this past week has become more comfortable being on the trailer as long as the doors are open. Once we shut the doors, she starts moving around & pawing. 

Our last haul, she pawed & thrashed almost the entire drive. Do you have any tips on how to make a solid trailering citizen? I worry about her safety.  



Jul 31 at 03:29 PM

Hey Richard Boatwright, Do you recommend letting a horse that was recently started having some time off? My filly is still growing and wondering if I should give her some time off to let her body catch up. 



Jun 07 at 10:34 AM

Hello Richard Boatwright! I've recently come across your training videos and love the exercises you have for colts. Question, my filly is having a hard time listening outside of an arena (particularly at a lope; ex. she'll lope off decently, not perfect, but then shift over to the barn/pasture and not listen to leg or hand cues), do you have any recommended drills to help this?