December 17, 2024

Hello Mr. Boatwright,

I joined your membership a couple months ago. I've been applying what you teach in your videos. I'm noticing my horses are more relaxed and receptive over all. They weren't bad before it's just that little difference.

I do have a couple questions for you. My 3 year old is the type of horse that sometimes doesn't stay in front of your legs like you talk about, and he's getting worse. He's not lazy his speed control at a walk and trot isn't bad, but still needs work. When I go into a circle at a trot to bring him back to me or put him back because he drift off he goes about a quarter into the circle and stops trotting then won’t get back into the trot till I go straight again. I cluck and squeeze him he just won’t trot. Not sure what I did to create this issue. Do you have a video or any recommendations to help fix this issue. I can do very large circles but need to peddle him a lot to keep him going. Sometimes It feels like he's really board.

Also, I was wondering if you do clinics?

Thank you for your time.
