Jessica Walker

Jan 10 at 09:39 AM

Richard Boatwright I'm sure there is - do you have set in stone facility requirements, so I can start looking around a bit?

Jan 10 at 07:21 AM

I'm about an hour south of Chicago.  Anything close?


Jan 09 at 09:33 AM

Replying to myself, to see if it bumps this up.  Richard Boatwright

Jan 09 at 09:32 AM

It was brutal cold last night, and we're supposed to get more snow tomorrow.  While I like that the ground isn't mud, chiseling poop off the ground isn't my idea of fun.  


Dec 26 at 10:37 AM

Do you have a list of clinics, or a general travel schedule if we wanted to meet up with you somewhere?  Thank you!


Dec 10 at 08:13 PM

Richard Boatwright thanks!  Hopefully she will turn a corner and then progress will come faster.  In the meantime, it takes as long as it takes.  


Dec 09 at 11:52 AM

Richard Boatwright She's generally an unfortunate looking thing - I tell her all the time she'd be prettier if she'd put her head down... 

Eventually I think she's going to be kind of fancy, but getting ahold of her brain has been proving a challenge.  She's definitely got an edge on her.  



Dec 08 at 05:52 PM

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Grundy and Niko wish everyone a happy holiday season and a Merry Christmas!  


Dec 07 at 03:47 PM

Richard Boatwright i tried to get some today.  It would only let me record a bit because of memory on the phone, i should be able to get more video tomorrow.  

I'll shoot it to your email.  



Dec 06 at 01:15 PM

If I manage to make a video this weekend, what is the process for getting it reviewed?  Post it here?  Upload to Youtube and send a link to the email?  Thank you!