Join us at Latigo Trails Equestrian Center in Elbert, CO for an awesome weekend!

What:  Beginner Cowhorse Clinic.  

  • Come introduce your horse to cattle in a fun and safe environment

  • Refine cow skills on your ranch or show horse.

  • Learn new ways to help your horse enjoy his job.

Where:  Latigo Trails Equestrian Center

13710 Halleluiah Trail Elbert, CO

Cost:  $450 for 2 days

Stalls and hookups available.

Deadline to enter is May 13, 2025

Contact: Betina at 719-460-6361 to register.

Richard Boatwright

Meet Your Trainer

20+ years experience

accomplished horseman, stockman, clinician, and competitor

genuine family man striving to help his fellow horsemen and horsewomen

our mission at b1 horsemanship

  • Provide genuine content that provides value to both your life and your horse's life

  • Pass along high quality horsemanship skills to a new generation of cowboys and cowgirls

  • Bring new knowledge to the industry to help better understand the horses and cattle in our care