Join us at Red Spring Farm in Bourg en Bresse, France for an awesome weekend!
What: Beginner Cowhorse Clinic.
Come introduce your horse to cattle in a fun and safe environment
Refine cow skills on your ranch or show horse.
Learn new ways to help your horse enjoy his job.
Where: Red Spring Farm.
Bourg en Bresse, France
Cost: $450 for 2 days
Stalls and hookups available.
Deadline to enter is May 13, 2025
Contact: Betina at 719-460-6361 to register.
Richard Boatwright
Meet Your Trainer
20+ years experience
accomplished horseman, stockman, clinician, and competitor
genuine family man striving to help his fellow horsemen and horsewomen
our mission at b1 horsemanship
Provide genuine content that provides value to both your life and your horse's life
Pass along high quality horsemanship skills to a new generation of cowboys and cowgirls
Bring new knowledge to the industry to help better understand the horses and cattle in our care